Read First

“What choo talkin’ ’bout Willis?”

You know, Different Strok… nevermind.  I’m old.

At it’s core this is a place for me to share a bit of me with the world.  To open up about any and everything in both my head and my heart.  To talk geek as well as gospel and everything in between.

To that end I wanted to give everyone who happens by for a visit a chance to know what they are getting into through the various categories (and help them know which ones it would be best to “swipe left” on before reading too deep).

Swipe Left
You never know… you might miss something good!


The Categorizations of the Tardis of Faith:


Adventures in Time & Faith – This will be the most broad and the most “me” of all the categories.  Thoughts, ideas, day to day life, and all the feels kinda mixed into one.  Basically my adventures in time and faith.

If You Have Your Bible – These post will be anything from light devotions to, prayerfully, deep messages about the truths of God.  A chance for me to exercise that gifting that I don’t get to do much anymore and to share what the Lord is saying through His words to me (and hopefully, through this, to others).

EGOT to Check This Out – Emmy. Grammy. Oscar. Tony. EGOT.  This will be where you can get thoughts and reviews on movies, music, shows, games, and more.  Basically my thoughts on things that amuse and entertain.

A Reading Rainbow – People still read.  (At least I hope so… after all I’m writing this.) Personally I love to read.  So here is where you can find my thoughts and feelings on books, comics, articles, and more.


That’s it… for now.

more to come


While I reserve the right to add more categories to cover wherever the muse may take me.  That’s all I’ve got for now.

Read on.  Glad you’re along for the ride.